AI Service > OCR > Document OCR > API v1.0 Guide

Business Registration Certificate Analysis API


  • You can check the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey

[Request Body]

  • Put binary data of the image file.
curl -X POST '{appKey}/business' \
-F 'image=@sample.png' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}'


Name Type Description
image multipart/form-data Image file


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "result": {
        "fileType": "png",
        "unitType": "pixel",
        "keyValues": [
                "value":" 간이과세자",
        "boxes": [
                "x1": 340,
                "y1": 3231,
                "x2": 523,
                "y2": 3231,
                "x3": 523,
                "y3": 3297,
                "x4": 340,
                "y4": 3297
        "resolution": "normal"


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Analysis API success or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error details on failure)


Name Type Description
fileType String File extension (.pdf, .jpg, .png)
keyValues List List of recognition results
keyValues[0].key String Recognized item name
keyValues[0].value String Recognized content
keyValues[0].conf Double Confidence of the recognition result
resolution String normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (HD 1280*720px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
unitType String Coordinate unit for boxes (pixel by default, point for PDF)
boxes List List of recognized area (bounding box) coordinates
boxes[0] Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
  • boxes[0] Bounding box

Retrieve Business Registration Stoppage/Closure API


  • The {appKey} and {secretKey} can be found in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey


Name Type Description
businessNumber String Business registration certificate number (10 digits)

[Request Bodoy]

curl -X POST '{appKey}/business/status' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}' \
--data-raw '{
  "businessNumber": "1234567890"


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "result": {
        "statusCode": "00",
        "statusMessage": ""


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Whether Retrieve stoppage/closure API successful or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (Success when successful, error when failed)


Name Type Description
statusCode String Business registraction certificate status code (Hometax result code)
statusMessage String Business registraction certificate status message
  • List of Business Registration Certificate Statuses by "statusCode"
Code value Description
00 Businesses not in business
01 VAT general taxpayers
02 VAT simplified taxpayer
03 Exempt from VAT
04 Non-profit corporation or organization with a unique number that is not engaged in a profitable business. National organizations
05 Inactive
06 Closed
09 Others

Credit Card Analysis API


  • You can check the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey

[Request Body]

  • Put binary data of the image file.
curl -X POST '{appKey}/credit-card' \
-F 'image=@sample.png' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}'


Name Type Description
image multipart/form–data Image file


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "result": {
        "fileType": "png",
        "resolution": "low",
        "cardNums": [
                        "value": "1111",
                        "conf": 0.87
                        "value": "2222",
                        "conf": 0.99
                        "value": "3333",
                        "conf": 0.97
                        "value": "4444",
                        "conf": 0.89
        "totalCardNum": "111222233334444",
        "cardNumBoxes": [
                "x1": 62,
                "y1": 256,
                "x2": 192,
                "y2": 256,
                "x3": 192,
                "y3": 301,
                "x4": 62,
                "y4": 301
        "validThru": {
            "value": "04/19",
            "conf": 0.53
        "validThruBox": {
            "x1": 316,
            "y1": 315,
            "x2": 426,
            "y2": 315,
            "x3": 426,
            "y3": 347,
            "x4": 316,
            "y4": 347


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Analysis API success or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error details on failure)


Name Type Description
fileType String File extension (.jpg, .png)
resolution String normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (760*480px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
cardNums List List of card number recognition results
cardNums[0].value String Recognition result
cardNums[0].conf Double Confidence of the recognition result
totalCardNum List Full card number recognition result
cardNumBoxes List List of coordinates of the card number recognition area (bounding box)
cardNumBoxes[0] Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
validThru.value String Expiration date recognition content
validThru.conf Double Confidence of expiration date recognition result
validThruBox Object Coordinates of the expiration date recognition area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
  • boxes[0] Bounding box